Our latest product application guide

Our latest product application guide

We've updated our application guide!

Our guide helps you choose the right products and apply them at the optimal time, ensuring a lush, healthy lawn all year round. With expert tips and practical advice, achieving a beautifully maintained lawn has never been easier.

This new format hopefully simplifies things, making it easier to follow with annual requirements located at the end of the guide enabling you to calculate just how much product you need for 12 months for your area size.

A few notes:

  • Always apply granular fertilisers to dry lawn and water in following application.
  • Soil wetters also require watering in, while other soil amendments can be applied foliar or drenched in to the soil. 
  • Special Fex and Fusion should be applied with a pressure sprayer and left to dry on the leaf. 

You can download the warm season turf guide (Couch, Zoysia, Buffalo, Kikuyu and Qld Blue) here

If you have low cut (under 10mm) couch, kikuyu etc, you will find the guide here.

You can download the warm season turf guide for hybrid couch such as TifTuf, Tahoma 31, Sir Grange Zoysia etc here

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